Joseph E. Samuels, Doctor of Oriental Medicine

It has been suggested by the American Academy of Pain Management that neuromuscular therapy is an effective treatment for back pain usually caused by a soft tissue injury such as a muscle strain.

Muscles sometimes go into spasms which are painful to the touch. This may result from the muscle not receiving enough blood or oxygen. This in turn causes the muscle to produce lactic acid which makes the muscle feel sore following physical activity. Once the muscle is relaxed through massage, it should start receiving enough blood and oxygen again so the lactic acid will no longer be produced and pain reduction and healing will begin.

Neuromuscular therapy usually consists of alternating levels of pressure on the areas of the muscle spasm. The therapist applies pressure to the spasm and will hold it for a few seconds until it starts to release. Neuromuscular therapy may feel painful at first but will diminish as the spasm starts to dissipate. Communication between the massage therapist and the client are extremely important during this process. The pressure you are experiencing, whether it is too much or too little should be conveyed to your therapist. Some people state that they experience pain but it is a good pain and they would like you to continue with the treatment.

After your massage, you may feel some soreness and tenderness in the areas that were addressed. These symptoms should not be noticeable the following day. Your muscles will continue to become relaxed and less painful but depending on how active you are, your symptoms may return. Receiving neuromuscular therapy as part of your weekly, bi-weekly or monthly wellness regiment will help to keep you pain free.