Joseph E. Samuels, Doctor of Oriental Medicine

Western Psychiatry and Eastern Psychiatry differ greatly in their understanding and in their approach to the treatment of mental and emotional disorders. However, both medical sciences each have a lot to offer. One of the main differences between these two sciences is the philosophy behind them. Western medicine is based more on a dualistic approach which means the physical body, mental body and emotional body are generally treated as separate entities while Eastern medicine is based more on a non-dualistic approach which means the physical body, mental body and emotional body cannot be separated and are therefore treated simultaneously.

Psychiatry in general, whether Western or Eastern, is a very broad and complex subject that consists of many different topics many different points of view and many different treatment strategies.

One area of Eastern psychiatry that people here in the United States are starting to learn more about is the topic of counseling on organ disharmonies.
From Eastern view of medicine, every internal organ has a specific emotion that is associated with it as well as a specific mental behavior.

As an example, the mental behavior that is associated with the spleen (physical body) is obsessive thinking (mental body). So if a patient is suffering with constant thinking or the inability to shut their mind off, this patient will also have a spleen disharmony.

As another example, the emotion that is associated with the liver (physical body) is anger (emotional body). So if a patient is suffering from anger, irritability or frustration, this patient will also have a liver disharmony.

If you would like to become as healthy as possible and create a powerful physical body, a powerful mental body and a powerful emotional body, I believe Oriental medicine holds many of the answers.